Cloak for Courage event, Lewes

en-Couraging kin – a talk and writing workshop Tues 21 Jan, 6pm Please join us for us for this talk about how we conceived of and created a Cloak of Courage in the Anthropocene, followed by a writing workshop. The Cloak (in two parts) was created by kin’d & kin’d with designer Larch Rose and […]

Two new eco-poetry books – Waterdrop & river/run

On 26th October, eco-poet Helen Moore and kin’d & kin’d launched our new books, both collaborative works based on water residencies with the pioneering climate change arts organisation Cape Farewell. Our thanks to David Buckland and Lily Lloyd at CF and to all the folks, sheep, swans and other water creatures who accompanied us as […]

The Cloak for Courage at the RSA

Our Cloak for Courage is on display at the RSA London until 20th September. See this article by Rachel Grice on the RSA website: The Cloak is now looking for its next venue.

A Cloak for Courage

A Cloak for Courage in the Anthropocene – talk and writing workshop Do join us for our talk and writing workshop at the Royal Society of Arts House, London on Weds 11 September. You can book your free place below:


‘Accord’ is a poem/sound-piece created by EcoBody, a collective of poets (Jemma Borg, Kim Lasky, Karen Smith, Kay Syrad and Clare Whistler) as a way to think differently about ecosystems coming together, human and non-human. Instead of working with the word compromise, we thought about finding accord – please listen to the work (below), kindly hosted by […]

A Cloak for Courage in the Anthropocene

As part of our studies at the New School of the Anthropocene this year, kin’d & kin’d have created (with designer Larch Rose) a Cloak for Courage. It is currently on display at the Royal Society of Arts in London (until the end of September). Details and link to a longer piece of writing about […]

‘thousands of hearts, one for each day’ *

Apart from studying at the New School of the Anthropocene 2023-4, in November kin’d & kin’d ran a day workshop focusing solely on visionary US poet Jorie Graham’s letter to the near future, To 2040 (Carcanet, 2023); and another workshop at the DIRT: Imaginarium at Anglia Ruskin University in April this year, called ‘Taking courage: […]

The New School of the Anthropocene

Greetings! kin’d & kin’d have been studying this academic year at the brilliant, experimental New School of the Anthropocene at the October Gallery in London, offering post-grad-level lectures and seminars from artists and activists as well as academics.

Reviews of ‘What is near’

Seasonal greetings! Just to let you know that I have had some encouraging reviews of my latest collection What is near – by Paul Matthews in Tears in the Fence, Autumn 2022, for example: ‘Many a poetry book has been inspired by the beauty of nature, or its destruction. The writer of this one ‘trembles […]

Poetry in this time of eco-crisis

A Society of Authors online event with poets Kay Syrad, Caleb Parkin, Katrina Porteous & Jacqueline Saphra. All welcome. Monday 14th November 2022, 10 – 11.30 am